Why Attend
The ESPNIC 2023 Meeting offers cutting-edge scientific and educational content with many highly engaging sessions on paediatric and neonatal intensive care.

Benefit from our experience through hands-on training and courses in paediatric and neonatal intensive care.

Engage in plenaries, keynote presentations, and seminars with the highest quality and standards in Europe.

Grow your professional network through thinking task forces,
panels, campfires, and guideline discussions.

Gain knowledge and insights from leading experts during oral presentations, e-poster, and industry sessions.

Learn about the latest breakthroughs in paediatrics and neonatal intensive care during many parallel sessions.

Explore the latest innovations in paediatric medicine and technology at the Industry sessions, and Product theatre.

Enjoy world-class networking opportunities with international professionals during the Coffee and Lunch breaks.

Benefit from a congress experience beyond medicine to help you shape a better future for paediatrics together.
Save the date for ESPNIC 2023 in your calendar! Invite your colleagues and join us for what promises to be a fantastic time in Athens on 20-23 June.
Join the ESPNIC Xperience!
Prof. Akash Deep, Chair of Scientific Affairs, invites you to join our community at ESPNIC 2023 in Athens!